Hi everyboby, you are now at my homepage :-)).

This site is still at work, because I cannot invest so much time to do all I wan't; additionally there are different projects which must be terminated. In the current version some points are gradually implemented such as building of loudspeakers, hifi tubes and mountains.

Briefly to copyright: I have, so far possible, contacted the authors of the used text and pictures, unfortunately not always with response. If someone has problems thereby, please contact me and the picture concerned will be removed.

Have fun and don't take care of my english...

Note: this web site has been partially redesigned to html 5; CSS and one JavaScript are integrated for better smartphone use. Not all browsers may support this in the form, often the content page is not fully displayed; a reload of the frame usually helps!

Argh... yes, that's me in 2007 (clic on the image)